Design and Technology
"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works." Steve Jobs
Design and Technology is about how things work and are made. It makes a contribution to the well-being of our communities and our lives. At Bedford Hall Methodist Primary School, we believe that children are naturally curious when it comes to exploring the world around them. We know that by exploring how things work and are made through first-hand investigations and problem-solving scenarios, the learning will be meaningful and memorable. Therefore, we plan to give children the opportunity to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of designing, making, evaluating, testing and improving products first hand.
We aim to nurture creativity and innovation through design and expect children to explore the increasing technological world in which we live and work. Through our curriculum, children develop skills and knowledge in structures, mechanisms, electrical systems, textiles and food. As well as studying architects and designers for inspiration, we encourage creativity and the opportunity to think like a designer or architect. We use the EYFS Framework and Chris Quigley's curriculum milestones to ensure progression through year groups.