Year 3
Class Teacher: Miss O Sandwell (Miss G Devine on maternity leave)
Teaching Assistants: Mrs J Whittle
Important Information:
Things we need every day:
- Water bottle
- Reading books and planner
Our PESSPA day, where we arrive in our PE kit is: MONDAY (Swimming). On Mondays, remember to bring your swimming kit!
On Mondays children get their new spellings for the week. Part of their homework is to learn them throughout the week ready for a spelling test on Friday. Written spelling/handwriting homework is also set on Fridays and this needs to be brought back by the following Thursday. Maths homework will be set weekly on Times Tables Rockstars or Purple Mash (please contact Miss Devine for login details).
For all questions or queries, please contact the Y3 Team on Class Dojo. Please check Class Dojo daily for messages and class updates.