Welcome to Reception's Class Page!
Class Teacher: Mrs T Beatty
Teaching Assistant: Miss J Merga
In Reception, we have a warm, welcoming classroom that is designed to encourage our children to explore and develop their learning through play. The children are immersed in a language rich learning environment, where high quality interactions take place and children’s vocabulary increases. We ensure that in our Reception class we celebrate the diversity of our families; we have an excellent home corner that enables children to role-play family-life and create links between the home and school environment. Our high quality provision is a catalyst for developing children’s skills and knowledge across all 7 areas of learning.
Important Information:
Please ensure that you are signed into Class Dojo for the sharing of important school information.
Things we need every day:
Water bottle
Coat (as we will be playing outside in all weathers)
School book bag
Reading book and journal
Our PE day is on a FRIDAY, so please ensure that PE kits are worn on this day.
Homework will be handwriting and reading set each Monday, to be returned on Thursdays.
Reading is expected at least four times per week at home. We ask that adults sign reading planners to ensure that teachers are aware of home reading.
Each half-term, we will have a new class topic — a home challenge linked to this will be set.
For any questions or queries, please contact the Reception team on Class Dojo. Please check Class Dojo daily for any messages or class updates.