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At Bedford Hall Methodist, our Science curriculum gives children opportunities to think independently and raise questions about working scientifically. Our ambitious curriculum design ensures children have the ability to undertake practical work in a variety of contexts, including fieldwork. Our curriculum is specifically designed to develop children’s investigative skills, written and verbal explanations, problem solving and the ability to report scientific findings in a variety of ways.

Every investigation develops key scientific knowledge, understanding and application of scientific terminology, encouraging children to think and behave as a scientist. Teachers use Chris Quigley's milestones to ensure KS1 and KS2 statutory requirements for Science are met.

Through this ambitious curriculum, we aim to instil a passion for Science and its application in past, present and future technologies, linking to our curriculum driver: ‘POSSIBILITIES’.


EYFS – The Natural World

Children are encouraged to explore the natural world around them, making observations and drawing pictures of animals and plants. They are taught some similarities and differences between the natural world around them and contrasting environments, drawing on their experiences and what has been read in class. Children will understand some important processes and changes in the natural world around them, including the seasons and changing states of matter.



Year 1

Plants (naming plants and trees, name basic parts of a plant)

Animals, including humans (identify and name common animals including fish, comparing animals, naming parts of the human body)

Everyday materials

Seasonal changes


Year 2

Living things and their habitats (comparing animate and inanimate objects, basic needs of animals and their habitats)

Plants (seeds and bulbs, requirements for plant growth)

Animals, including humans (human life cycle, basic needs of humans, exercise and health)

Use of everyday materials




Year 3

Plants (functions of a flowering plant, requirements for plant life and growth, plant life cycle)

Animals, including humans (nutrition, skeleton and muscles)



Forces and magnets


Year 4

Living things and their habitats (grouping and classifying, environment)

Animals, including humans (digestive system, teeth, food chains)

States of matter




Year 5

Living things and their habitats (life cycles and life processes)

Animals, including humans (human changes)

Properties and changes of materials

Earth and space



Year 6

Living things and their habitats (classification)

Animals, including humans (circulatory system, exercise and lifestyle)

Evolution and inheritance

